lost in thoughttt,..... send a search partyy

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

boycottt pepsi!!!1

alright,..... heress how its goin downn...... pepsi is supporting da gayy agenda,. and thats not RITE!!! whatz da worldd comin 2??? this is obamaz fault!!! join dis website and BOYCOTTT PEPSI!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


alright..... i gawt to say these words that are swirling thru my head right now.... i need to tame the roaring serpent in my heart soul && mind. itz getting outta control (just the way i like it)!!! my bff samson is gettingg married, and i dont know wat im gonna do without my PAL!!! perhaps i'll ramble down the streets and offer up sage wisdom && advice?? who knows. this life is crazy, and the world keeps spinnign faster!! blessings and black eyes, russel.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

boyz night OUT!!! (we'd better go)

wooooHOOO!!!1 boys nite out!!!! tonite were goin to chipotle ( a hearty feast) and then were goin to bass pro shops to get some gizmos, gadgets, and garb GALORE!!! woo! im so pumped!! i'll post some picss laterr..... lawls.

disneyyyy moviez R stupid!!!!!!!

well first offf, lettt me say dat i hate kids too. my ugly stupid sister made me babysit todayyy, and all the kidz wantedd 2 do wuz watch disney movies. howz a man gonna be macho if he has to watch a princess float around on a magikk carpet??? UGH. well... im goin to walmart now. i need to buy some mechanical pencils to keep up with the cool kids in college. maybe some foohy? ehhh? heh heh. JK lol. foohy brand is for females who like colors and sparkles!!! HAH! welllll c u l8er///....

im thinkin about getting a twitter account? whatcha think? is it wimpy or awesomeee???? btw, im learning how to play BASS GUITAR and then im gonna join da band @ myyy church and play for da stupid kiddies.

Friday, March 13, 2009

russel buford: a day in the LIFE!

Wowowwwww..... wat a DAY!!! it shure is crazay when ur relxain with friends and fam, and a twister of fate comes ramblin down da path!! watz a man 2 do???? well, i was just tomfooling around with my buddy samson (a true man, u dont wanna mmess with him if u like yer body intact) and we were scheming a way to scare all of the random goblins and ghouls that tramps around my front yard at 12:08. we went to this website forr some manly inspiratiiomn: http://artofmanliness.com/2008/10/26/8-ways-to-scare-the-heck-out-of-kids-this-halloween/ wowww.... ok..... so after dat, thiss lady comes a-knockin on my front door and shes selling avon products!! ON THE PORCH OF A MANLY HOMESTEAD???? yea, well i gave her a peice a my mind! and then she called da police..... (crazy, i know) but when i told him da story, he listened with his ears open and gave me a peice of beef jerky.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

gimme an order of fries..... EXTRA CRISPYYY

wise quote of the day: "if its not broke dont fixit"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

anotherr dayyy...... another dolllaah

im just siittin here, listenin to some hardcore music (coldplay) and eatin' chipotle.... ahhhh, wat a LIFE!! im goinn to home depot tonite to look at some powerr tools. itss a great way to relaxx after a longg day of school.
